Astrological Business Tips Based on Planet Associated with It


Astrological Business Tips Based on Planet Associated with It

Every business person, whether he runs a small, medium, or large business, wants to achieve success. He tries hard and works day and night to get prosperity in business. However, business success is not an easy nut to crack. Sometimes, we need a guide to direct us to the right way to reach goals and achieve the desired position. Here you have Astrologer SK Abid, the best astrologer in India to guide you with the right astrological tips to ensure prosperity, gain, and achievement in your business. 


Tips to Grow Business Based on Planets

Each planet has its dominance in certain fields. Hence, today we will uncover astrological tips according to your business domain provided by the famous business astrologer in India, Astrologer SK Abid.

Sun Dominance Businesses

If you are doing business related to Gold, Goldsmith, raw food gains, plants, medicines, export-import business, or running any administrative firms or associated with Government-related business, you need to work on to appease the planet Sun.  
Tips: Have Satvik food on Sunday and don’t consume salt. Keep your business clean and devoid of any unused things.  

Moon Dominance Businesses

Businesses related to liquid things including water, milk, soft drinks, and businesses of silver, travel, food, garments, farming, salt, and seasonal business come under the Moon. 
Tips: Respect your Mother and other female members in your family. Keep fast on Purnima. Buy gifts for your mom and keep her happy. 

Mars Dominance Business

If you are a land dealer, realtor, blacksmith or you are in construction, restaurant, gym, or medical field, Mars dominates these all. 
Tips: Keep fast on Tuesday and Purnima. Worship Lord Hanuman and donate sweets to people working under you. Help your younger siblings. 

Mercury Dominance Business

If you are heading an institution, a publishing house, book printing, and teaching language, are involved in a business that requires you to communicate a lot, or are selling phones or software, you need to appease Mercury to do great. 
Tips: Donate green stuff including vegetables, fruits, green dal, and dresses to the needy. Maintain a balanced relationship with your relatives. 

Jupiter Dominance Business

If you are doing business related to education, food products, banking, financing, publishing, selling religious products, or running a hotel or restaurant, you should strengthen your Jupiter. 
Tips: Visit the Laxmi-Narayan temple every Thursday. Offer sweets to people, donate yellow things to the poor and needy, and respect elders and gurus. 

Venus Dominance Business

If you are involved in business related to luxury items, cars, hotels, motels, restaurants, painting, music, dance, public relationships, acting, medicine, garments, or interior designing, Venus must be strong in your chart. 
Tips: Worship Mata Laxmi; especially on Friday. Respect your wife and the women you are acquainted with. 

Saturn Dominance Business

If you are in business related to oil, mining, law, iron, farming, real estate, or staffing agency, Saturn is ruling your business.  

Tips: Hard work is the focal point for your business. Help needy people as much as you can. Donate clothes and food. 
Rahu indicates business related to the Internet, IT, and foreign trade. Ketu indicates business associated with medicine manufacturing, mining, religious institutes, and more. To improve these planets, you need to help the underprivileged, irrespective of animal and human beings. 

To Conclude, 

So, what kind of business you are doing now? If you are looking for personalized business tips based on astrology, contact Astrologer SK Abid, the best astrologer in India so far.

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