Determine Fortune of Wealth Through Indu Lagna - Your Wealth Ascendant


Determine Fortune of Wealth Through Indu Lagna - Your Wealth Ascendant

Every day, hundreds of thousands of people consult astrologers worldwide for various reasons. However, most of the astrology consultations are related to money concerns. Whether online or offline consultation, the first question is about money or wealth. If you are one of those who are looking for the same answer, you have reached the right place. In this blog post, we will decipher Indu Lagna, the Wealth Ascendant. We will know more about Indu Lagna through the Astro lens of Astrologer SK Abid, the best online astrologer in Kolkata

So, we will start with the definition of Indu Lagna and then learn how to use it to understand the wealth fortune in our horoscope. Let’s dive deep….

What is Indu Lagna? 

Indu Lagna is the Lagna of wealth and prosperity. The lagna is taken into consideration to understand the financial status. The Lagna says in which particular dasha or timing a native can make more money. Anyone who has no clue what the best time is to earn money can check his/her Indu Lagna. The planet in the Indu lagna, planet aspects the Indu lagna, and the dispositor of this lagna provide clear glimpses of when, how, and where a native can earn a lump sum. 

Now the question is how to know what the Indu Lagna is. You can visit an online astrologer like Astrologer SK Abid to find out and decipher the Indu Lagna, the ascendant of wealth. Until you book an appointment, take this blog shared by SK Abid Sir as your guide.


How to Calculate Indu Lagna? 

In Vedic Astrology, each planet’s strength is specified by the fixed point in the sky. These points are taken to calculate the Indu Lagna. Let's have a look at the points each planet has acquired. 

  • Sun: 30
  • Moon: 16
  • Mars: 6
  • Mercury: 8
  • Jupiter: 10
  • Venus: 12
  • Saturn: 1

Next, we need to check the 9th house planet from both our Moon sign and Lagna in the horoscope. Then, we need to add points of these two 9th-house planets (as stated above) and divide the number by 12. The remainder after the division is the number you have to calculate from your Moon sign to find your Indu Lagna. 


If your Moon sign is Leo, the 9th house from the Moon sign will be Aries, and the lord is Mars. If your Lagna is Cancer, the 9th house from it will be Pisces, and the lord is Jupiter. So, now you have to add the points of Mars (6) and Jupiter (10) and divide the total by 12. It will be like 6+10=16 and 16 ÷ 12. So, the remainder will be 4. Next, you need to count 4 signs from your Leo sign, and it will be Scorpio. So, your Indu lagna will be Scorpio, and the lord of this sign is Mars. 


How Indu Langa Decides the Strength of Wealth Fate?

If there is a benefic planet in the Indu lagna, you will earn or make more money during the dash of the specific planet. The malefic planet provides moderate results. If there is no planet in the Indu lagna, you need to check the dispositor of the house and its strength to understand the potency of your wealth. 



This is it for today. If you want to unearth more about Indu Lagna, consulting Astrologer SK Abid, the best online astrologer in Kolkata, will bring better guidance for sure. 

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