Discover Results of Different Planets in the 6th House


Discover Results of Different Planets in the 6th House

Health is Wealth and our Sixth house in the birth chart says a lot about it. So, if you decipher your health, chances of diseases, debts, and enemies, and struggle to maintain your daily routine clearly, you must understand the ins and outs of your 6th house. Today, the best astrologer in South Kolkata, Astrologer SK Abid will help us with the mysteries of the 6th house under the presence of different planets.  So, let's delve into the discussion without making further ado, 


Different Planets in the 6th House & Its Outcomes

1. Sun in the 6th house: Planet Sun provides mixed outcomes in this house. It is not a good sign for the father’s life. Sun in the 6th house creates the 6th and 9th house combination (As Sun is the Karaka of Father, the 9th house). Such natives have miserable relationships with their fathers. Such people don’t indulge in enmity. If you flare them up, you are gone. Such natives have Karmic debts with their fathers and they need to make it clear with their efforts to get rid of it. 

2. Moon in the 6th House: The Moon in the 6th house provides conflicts with the mother. Native’s mother can be in Social/Fostering Service. However, natives also find interest in healing and providing selfless services. Native can be a tarot card reader or healer. 

3. Jupiter in the 6th House: It is a fine combination (Mercury and Jupiter combination) for teachers as well. However, Jupiter in the 6th house is not a strong yoga. Natives lack confidence in fighting or continuing enmity. They may find augmenting with others useless. Natives might succeed in competitive exams but after a lot of hurdles. Such natives start earning from their college days. 

4. Mercury in the 6th House: Natives who are born with Mercury in the 6th house have the natural ability to resolve conflicts/disputes. They might find their career in the analytical field, medicine, law, auditing, accounting, bookkeeping, and social service. You will find a good competitive spirit in such natives. Sometimes, they become fussy with cleanliness and get OCD issues with maintaining hygiene. 

5. Venus in the 6th House: Venus in the 6th house is not a good combination for married life irrespective of men and women. Venus debilitates here. Natives tend to stay busy counting the faults of their spouses. Despite having luxury and comfort, they hardly can enjoy it. However, such a connection makes natives sensitive to the destitute and animals. They always remain good to their servants. 

6. Saturn in the 6th House: This is one of the best placements for Saturn. Such people never fear to do hard work or start from scratch. Sitting in the 6th house, Saturn connects the 8th house with his 3rd aspect, the 12th house with his 7th aspect, and the 3rd house with his 10th aspect. Thus, such natives rise above their current status with their continuous efforts.  

7. Mars in the 6th House: People with Mars in the 6th house remain very calm. They are heavy on the enemy if the enemy pokes them. Rather, they tend to live in peace. However, if Mars is in the 3rd house and aspecting 6th house with its 4th aspect, it makes the natives more aggressive and courageous than the natives with the 6th house Mars. Mars in the 6th house or Virgo natives do well as a lawyer or surgeon. They tend to have good analytical and calculative skills. 

8. Rahu in the 6th House: 6th house Rahu is no less than a blessing. This placement blesses natives to win over enemies. Lord Rama and Krishna, both had Rahu in their 6th house. Such natives have sound knowledge of Medicines and Herbs. 

9. Ketu in the 6th House: Ketu in the 6th House destroys enemies silently and suddenly. Enemies of such natives might fall sick or face problems in their work life. However, the Mahadasha of Ketu does not provide good results to the natives. 



This is all for the planets in the 6th house and their results. Hope, you can resonate well with this piece of blog. If you want to understand more deeply your 6th house or 6th house lord, consult Astrologer SK Abid, the best astrologer in South Kolkata so far.

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